Persoonlijke verschillen (differentiële psychologie)


Ben Wilbrink

See also heritability.htm

NB: er zit geen speciale orde in dit bestand, behalve dat meest recente toevoegingen aan het einde zijn te vinden.

Weng-Tink Chooi, Holly E. Long & Lee A. Thompson (2014). The Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (Level-H) is a Measure of g. Journal of Intelligence, 2, 56-67. free access

Harold Pashler, Mark McDaniel, Doug Rohrer, and Robert Bjork (2008). Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9, 106-119. pdf

Linda S. Gottfredson (2003). Dissecting practical intelligence theory: Its claims and evidence. Intelligence, 31, 343-397 pdf

Gottfredson accuses Sternberg et al (2000) Practical intelligence in everyday life of sloppy if not misleading reporting of research. Heavy. The abstract shows what I mean.

Jianghong Liu & Richard Lynn (2014). An increase of intelligence in China 1986-2012. Intelligence, 41, 479-481. [Flynn effect] free access

Ida Jeltova, Damian Birney, Nancy Fredine, Linda Jarvin, Robert J. Sternberg & Elena Grigorenko (2011). Making Instruction and Assessment Responsive to Diverse Students' Progress: Group-Administered Dynamic Assessment in Teaching Mathematics. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 44, 381-395. [geen pdf opgehaald] abstract

Sternberg, Robert J.; Jarvin, Linda; Birney, Damian P.; Naples, Adam; Stemler, Steven E.; Newman, Tina; Otterbach, Renate; Parish, Carolyn; Randi, Judy; Grigorenko, Elena L. (2014). Testing the theory of successful intelligence in teaching grade 4 language arts, mathematics, and science. Journal of Educational Psychology (online first) [geen pdf opgehaald] abstract

Scott Barry Kaufman (2013). The Complexity of Greatness. Beyond Talent or Practice. Oxford University Press. [nog niet als eBook in KB gevonden: maart 2014] blog

R. Keith Sawyer (2013 2nd). Explaining Creativity. The Science of Human Innovation. Oxford University Press. [als eBook in KB] info

Gary P. Latham & Craig C. Pinder (2005). Workmotivation theory and research at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Annual Review of Psychology, 56, 485-516. pdf

Judith L. Meece, Eric M. Anderman & Lynley H. Anderman (2006). CLASSROOM GOAL STRUCTURE, STUDENT MOTIVATION, AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT. Annual Review of Psychology, 57, 487-503. abstract

Miranda J. Lubbers, Margaretha P. C. van der Werf, Hans Kuyper & A. A. Jolijn Hendriks (2010). Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 203-208.

Lee Anne Thompson & Jeremy Oehlert (2010). The etiology of giftedness. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 298-307.

Robert J. Sternberg (2010). Assessment of gifted students for identification purposes: New techniques for a new millennium. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 327-336.

Rena F. Subotnik & Rochelle Rickoff (2010). Should eminence based on outstanding innovation be the goal of gifted education and talent development? Implications for policy and research Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 358-364.

'Ik maak zelf wel uit hoe gelukkig ik ben.' Interview met A. D. De Groot. Intermediair, 16, nr 6, 8 februari 1980, 1-11. Daaraan toegevoegd de tekst van zijn afscheidsrede.

Jonathan Wai, David Lubinski & Camilla P. Benbow (2009). Spatial ability for STEM domains: Aligning over 50 years of cumulative psychological knowledge solidifies its importance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 817-835.pdf

Elena L. Grigorenko, Linda Jarvin, Ray Diffley III, Julie Goodyear, Edward J. Shanahan & Robert J. Sternberg (2009). Are SSATs and GPA enough? A theory-based approach to predicting academic success in secondary school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 964-981.

Hester de Boer, Roel J. Bosker & Margaretha P. C. van der Werf (2010). Sustainability of teacher expectation bias effects on long-term student performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, 168-179.

Boer, H. de, Hendriks, A. A. J., Kuyper, H., & Werf, M. P. C. van der (2010). VOCL'99: De middellange termijn. Schoolloopbanen van leerlingen tot en met het eindexamen. Groningen : GION. (nog geen bestand?)

James C. Kaufman & Elena L. Grigorenko (Eds.) (2009). The essential Sternberg. Essays on intelligence, psychology, and education. Springer.

Mark A. Constas & Robert J. Sternberg (Eds) (2006). Translating theory and research into educational practice. Developments in content domains, large-scale reform, and intellectual capacity. Lawrence Erlbaum. sample ch. 4

Andy Hede (2003). A Critical Review of Learning Styles in Higher Education. Maroochydore, Qld: University of the Sunshine Coast. pdf

Jelte M. Wicherts & Harrie C. M. Vorst (2010). The relation between specialty choice of psychology students and their interests, personality, and cognitive abilities. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 494-500. pdf [NB: Corrigendum to ''The relation between specialty choice of psychology students and their interests, personality, and cognitive abilities'' [Learning and Individual Differences 20 (2010) 494-500]]

Li-fang Zhang (2011). The developing field of intellectual styles: Four recent endeavours. Learning and Individual Differences, 21, 311-318. abstract

Li-fang Zhang, Robert J. Sternberg & Stephen Rayner (Eds.) (2012). Handbook of Intellectual Styles. Preferences in Cognition, Learning and Thinking. Springer. Scribd full text inhoudsopgave; frontmatter + ch. 1

Maria Kozhevnikov (2007). Cognitive Styles in the Context of Modern Psychology: Toward an Integrated Framework of Cognitive Style. Psychological Bulletin, 133, No. 3, 464-481. pdf

David H. Cropley, Arthur J. Cropley, James C. Kaufmann & Mark A. Runco (Eds.) (2010). The Dark Side of Creativity. Cambridge University Press. 
[Als eBook beschikbaar voor abonnees van de Koninklijke Bibliotheek] 

Dean Keith Simonton (2003). Scientific creativity as constrained stochastic behavior: The integration of product, process, and person perspectives. Psychological Bulletin, 129, 475-494. abstract

Jan te Nijenhuis, Elsbeth Tolboom, Wilma Resing & Nico Bleichrodt (2004). Does cultural background influence the intellectual performance of children from immigrant groups? The RAKIT Intelligence Test for Immigrant Children. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 20, . 10-26. pdf

De leeftijdsgroep is hier 7 jarigen. Er loopt een rekentest of -toets mee, ik zie zo gauw niet welke dat is (correleert .5 met g, wat ik behoorlijk laag vind. De verklaring daarvoor is dat er helemaal geen rekentoets is gebruikt, maar leerkrachten is gevraagd de kinderen te beoordelen op vijfpuntsschaaltjes. Dit schiet niet op.

Michael A. Woodley, Jan te Nijenhuis & Raegan Murphy (2013 voorpublicatie). Were the Victorians cleverer than us? The decline in general intelligence estimated from a meta-analysis of the slowing of simple reaction time. Intelligence online first. abstract

Ik schat in dat dit een onvoorzichtige publicatie is. Dat is in de tekst al af te lezen uit het slordige gebruik van de termen 'IQ' en 'intelligentie' voor heel verschillende zaken. En zeker uit het ter sprake brengen van erfelijkheid van verschillen in intelligentie, bovendien in relatie tot een 'dysgenic trend'. Ik denk niet dat we hiermee gelukkig moeten zijn. Tenzij het spijkerhard onderzoek is, natuurlijk, maar hoe kan daar sprake van zijn wanneer je onderzoeken samenneemt die tot meer dan een eeuw uit elkaar liggen? We zullen het merken. Om reactietijden tot 'g' te bombarderen, lijkt ook niet helemaal vanzelfsprekend.

Jonathan Wai (2013). Investigating America's elite: Cognitive ability, education, and sex differences. Intelligence 41, 203-211. pdf

Jonathan Wai, David Lubinski & Camilla P. Benbow (2005). Creativity and Occupational Accomplishments Among Intellectually Precocious Youths: An Age 13 to Age 33 Longitudinal Study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 97, 484-492. abstract

Richard E. Nisbett, Joshua Aronson, Clancy Blair, William Dickens, James Flynn, Diane Halpern & Eric Turkheimer (2012). Intelligence: New findings and theoretical developments. American Psychologist. pdf

James Flynn (2016). Does your Family Make You Smarter? Nature, Nurture, and Human Autonomy. info.

Belangrijke plaats ingeruimd (zie p. 151-2) voor de intelligentie-theorie van Han van der Maas c.s. 2006. Peter Wilby (27 September 2016) interviews James Flynn blog

James R. Flynn (2012). Are We Getting Smarter? Rising IQ in the Twenty-First Century. a href="" target='_blank'>Cambridge University Press. Bijzondere TEDx-talk TEDx

James R. Flynn (2012). IQ gains in Argentina between 1964 and 1998. Intelligence, 40, 145-150. pdf

James R. Flynn (2010). The spectacles through which I see the race and IQ debate. Intelligence, 38, 363-366. pdf

James R. Flynn (2010). Problems With IQ Gains: The Huge Vocabulary Gap. Journal of Psychoeducational assessment, 28, 412. pdf

James R. Flynn (2009). The WAIS-III and WAIS-IV: Daubert motions favor the certainly false over the approximately true. Applied Neuropsychology, 16, 98-104. . pdf

Flynn, James R. (2007/2009). What Is Intelligence? Beyond the Flynn Effect. Cambridge University Press.

James R. Flynn (2008). The history of the American mind in the 20th century: A scenario to explain IQ gains over time and a case for the irrelevance of g. Geen kopie, hoewel het een heel aardig hoofdstuk is; ik ben met dit onderwerp toch niet zo bezig. Het is wel een originele uiteenzetting, geen samenvatting van elders gepubliceerd werk, geloof ik.

James R. Flynn & Keith F. Widaman (2008). The Flynn effect and the shadow of the past: Mental retardation and the indefensible en indispensable role of IQ. International Review of Research in Mental Retardation, volume 35, 122-138. pdf

James R. Flynn & Lawrence G. Weiss (2007). American IQ Gains From 1932 to 2002: The WISC Subtests and Educational Progress. International Journal of Testing, 7, 209-224. pdf

James R. Flynn (2006). Tethering the elephant. Capital cases, IQ, and the Flynn effect. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 12, 170-189. pdf

James R. Flynn (2006). Towards a theory of intelligence beyond g. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29, 132-133.pdf

James R. Flynn (2003). Movies about intelligence: The limitations of g. Current Directions in Psychological Science.pdf

James R. Flynn (2000). The hidden history of IQ and special education. Can the problems be solved? Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 6, 191-198. pdf

James R. Flynn (1999). Searching for justice. The discovery of IQ gains over time. American Psychologist, 54, 5-20. pdf

James R. Flynn (1998). IQ gains over time: Towards finding the causes. [Hoofdstuk 2 in Neisser, Ulric (Ed), (1998). The rising curve: Long-term gains in IQ and related measures. UBL PSYCH P4.2.1.-37 ]pdf

Neisser, Ulric (Ed), (2002). The rising curve: Long-term gains in IQ and related measures. UBL PSYCH P4.2.1.-37

James R. Flynn (1998). Israeli military IQ tests: Gender differences small; IQ gains large. J. Biosoc. Sci., 30, 541-553. pdf

James R. Flynn (1998). WAIS-III and WISC-III IQ gains in the United States from 1972 to 1995: How to compensate for obsolete norms. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 1231-1239. pdf

Flynn, J. R. (1987). Massive IQ gains in 14 nations: what IQ tests really measure. Psychological Bulletin, 101, 171-191. abstract of lees het hier. researchgate pdf

Flynn, J. R. (1984). The mean IQ of Americans: massive gains 1932 to 1978. Psychological Bulletin, 95, 29-51. abstract; related

Tim N. Höffler(2010). Spatial Ability: Its Influence on Learning with Visualizations--a Meta-Analytic Review. Educational Psychology Review, 22, 245-269. abstract

Daniel L. Shea, David Lubinsky & Camilla P. Benbow (2001). Importance of Assessing Spatial Ability in Intellectually Talented Young Adolescents: A 20-Year Longitudinal Study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93, 604-614. pdf

Harrison J. Kell, David Lubinsky & Camilla P. Benbow (2013). Who rises to the top? Early indicators.. Psychological Science, 24, 648-659. pdf

Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth SMPY (Simpy). webpage [more publications here]

Hans Kuyper & Greetje van der Werf (14-6-2012). Excellente leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs. Schoolloopbanen, risicofactoren en keuzen. GION abstract

Social Consequences of Experiential Openness. Psychological Bulletin, 120, 323-337. abstract

Howard Gardner (1999). Intelligence reframed. Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. Basic Books. isbn 0465026109 site

Blockmans, J. Adema, K. L. van der Zee & H. T. van der Molen (2000). De relatie tussen leerstijl en persoonlijkheid. Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch, 24, 275-287. online

P. van Petege & S. de Maeyer (2000). Het ILS-instrument voor leerstijlen: een methodologische kanttekening. Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch, 24 online

Joachim Tiedemann (1989). Measures of cognitive styles: a critical review. Educational Psychologist, 24, 261-276. abstract

Although cognitive style research is not rendered completely useless, a vast amount of empirical research needs to be reinterpreted.

from the abstract

Roy D. Goldman & Rebecca Warren (1973). Discriminant analysis of study strategies connected with college grade success in different major fields. Journal of Educational Measurement, 10, 39-47. abstract

Robert J. Sternberg and James C. Kaufman (1998). Human abilities. Annual Review of Psychology, 49, 479-502. abstract

B. G. Palland (1935). Een intelligentieonderzoek op een tiental Amsterdamse scholen. Mededelingen van het Nutsseminarium voor Paedagogiek aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. No. 25. J. B. Wolters Uitgevers-Maatschappij. pdf 30Mb scan

Nutsseminarium (1938). Rapport van het Nutsseminarium aan de directeuren, vereniging van hogere burgerscholen in de voormalige 5e inspectie, naar aanleiding van de proef in September 1936 genomen met taal- en rekenwerk in den geest van het rapport-Bolkestein. Mededelingen van het Nutsseminarium voor Paedagogiek aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. No. 32. J. B. Wolters Uitgevers-Maatschappij. pdf 13Mb scan

T. Kuiper (1929). De plaats van het testonderzoek in de aansluiting tussen lager- en middelbaar onderwijs. Mededelingen van het Nutsseminarium voor Paedagogiek aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. No. 7. J. B. Wolters Uitgevers-Maatschappij. pdf 19Mb scan

Philip A. Vernon (Ed.) (1987). Speed of information-processing and intelligence. Ablex. isbn 0893914274

See also Leah D. Sheppard & Philip A. Vernon (2008). Intelligence and speed of information-processing: A review of 50 years of research. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 535-551. abstract and pdf

Lauren B. Resnick (Ed.) (1976). The nature of intelligence. Erlbaum. isbn0470013842

This is an amazing book, in the sense that it shows how little stillis known about 'intelligence' at this point in time, nowithstanding the rich testing traditions and the works of e.g. Raymond Cattell.

Oort, A. H. (1928). Proeven over verstandelijke ontwikkeling op Leidsche scholen. Leiden: Van Doesburg. Tweede druk aangevuld met nieuwe proeven en proeven in het Nederlandsche leger.

Robert J. Sternberg &John Kolligian, Jr. ((Eds) (1990). Competence considered. Yale University Press. isbn 0300045670 info

Robert J. Sternberg (1988). The triarchic mind. A new theory of human intelligence. New York: Viking. isbn 0670803642

James J. Heckman, John Eric Humphries & Tim Kautz (Eds.) (2014). The myth of achievement tests. The GED and the role of character in American life. University of Chicago Press. [Als eBook te leen in de KB] info

De GED is een test voor General Educational Development. Lastig uit te leggen, maar de Wiki heeft er werk van gemaakt: Pretty essential for the Heckman-theme is the following development:

Interessant detail: de test wordt geproduceerd door Pearson Education.

Tim Kautz, James J. Heckman, Ron Diris, Bas ter Weel & Lex Borghans (November 25, 2014). Fostering and measuring skills. Improving cognitive and non-cognitive skills to promote lifetime success. OECD Education Working Paper download

James J. Heckman & Tim Kautz (2014). Fostering and measuring skills: Interventions that improve character and cognition. NBER Working Paper 19656

Neil Humphrey, Ann Lendrum & Michael Wigelsworth (2014). Social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) programme in secondary schools: national evaluation. Department for Education. Research Report DFE-RR049 download

Lex Borghans, Ron Diris & Bas ter Weel (2014). CPB. download

Character education conference: contents now available including the Geneva Declaration webpage, all presentations available here

Peera Wongupparaja, Veena Kumaria & Robin G. Morris (2015). A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis of Raven's Progressive Matrices: Age groups and developing versus developed countries. Intelligence, 49, 1-9. free access

David P. Baker, Paul J. Eslinger, Martin Benavidese, Ellen Peters, Nathan F. Dieckmann, Juan Leone (2015). The cognitive impact of the education revolution: A possible cause of the Flynn Effect on population IQ. Intelligence, 149, 144-158. abstract

Maria Kozhevnikov (2007). Cogntive styles in the context of modern psychology: towards an integrated framework of cognitive style. Psychological Bulletin, 133, 464-481. pdf

Heinz Heckhausen, Heinz-Dieter Schmalt and Klaus Schneider (1979/1985). Achievement motivation in perspective. Academic Press. isbn 0123361605

Joris van Agt en anderen (Red.) (z.d.). Genialiteit. Groniek 108 (geen jaartal vermeld) isbn 9072918053


Gabriele Oettingen & Peter M. Gollwitzer (Eds.) (2015). Self-regulation in adolescence. Cambridge University Press.

Richard J. Herrnstein & Charles Murray (1994). The Bell curve. Intelligence and class structure in American life. New York: The Free Press. isbn 0029146739

Elisabeth Wegner & Matthias Nückles (2015). Training the brain or tending a garden? Students' metaphors of learning predict self-reported learning patterns. Frontline Learning Research, 3 open access

Interesting. Learning styles or cognitive styles? Multiple discriminant analysis used on a ridiculously small number of subjects, however. No cross-validation?

Patrick Vermeren (2013). De ongewenste populariteit van typologieën Gedrag en Organisatie, 26, 405-430. pdf

Jump the gun and you will be shot down. Stuart J. Ritchie (University of Edinburgh) responds to Oliver James's letter from the December edition. webpage

Howard Gardner: 'Multiple intelligences' are not 'learning styles' The Washington Post web

Piet van der Ploeg (concept) Meervoudige Intelligentie doorgelicht. Over de werkbaarheid van de evidence‐informed norm.

IPIP International Personality Item Pool. A Scientific Collaboratory for the Development of Advanced Measures of Personality and Other Individual Differences site

Sarah Mathew, Charles Perreault (2015). Behavioural variation in 172 small-scale societies indicates that social learning is the main mode of human adaptation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282 Published 17 June 2015.DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0061abstract

Steven Pinker (2009?). The cognitive niche: Coevolution of intelligence, sociality, and language. PNAS abstract

pdf available free.

Angela Duckworth (march 26, 2016). Don't Grade Schools on Grit. Sunday Review, opinion webpage

Duckworth gelooft heilig in een en ander, maar schrikt van high stakes testing van haar geliefde grit. Geloof? Ja, op grond van oa deze meta-analyse:

Joseph A. Durlak a.o. (2011). The impact of enhancing students' social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. Child Development, 82, 405-432.

The authors seem to use 21st century skills jargon. The Secretary of Education is involved in what is called SEL programming. SEL: Social and Emotional Learning.

Jerry Useem (May 2016). Is Grit Overrated? The downsides of dogged, single-minded persistence.webpage

Angela Duckworth (2016). Grit. The power of passion and perseverance.

Ethan Ris (2016) The problem with teaching 'grit' to poor kids? They already have it. Here's what they really need. post

Post written by Ethan Ris, a doctoral candidate in education at Stanford University. His research is on the history and practice of reform in both K-12 and higher education.

Kennon M. Sheldon, Paul E. Jose, Todd B. Kashdan, Aaron Jarden (2015). Personality, Effective Goal-Striving, and Enhanced Well-Being. Comparing 10 Candidate Personality Strengths. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 1, 1-11. pdf

Angela L. Duckworth, Christopher Peterson, Michael D. Matthews & Dennis R. Kelly (2007). Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 9, 1087-1101. pdf

IPIP International Personality Item Pool. A Scientific Collaboratory for the Development of Advanced Measures of Personality and Other Individual Differences site

Alfie Kohn (Fall 2016). GRIT. A Skeptical Look at the Latest Educational Fad. post

"This article is adapted from The Myth of the Spoiled Child, which contains references to the relevant research." A bit fuzzy. Has some good points, next to some bad ones ;-)

Mike Rose (2016). Why teaching kids to have 'grit' isn't always a good thing post

Cervone, Daniel, & Yuichi Shoda (Eds) (1999)— The coherence of personality. Social-cognitive bases of consistency, variability, and organization.— The Guilford Press. isbn 1572304367

Yeager, David S.; Romero, Carissa; Paunesku, Dave; Hulleman, Christopher S.; Schneider, Barbara; Hinojosa, Cintia; Lee, Hae Yeon; O'Brien, Joseph; Flint, Kate; Roberts, Alice; Trott, Jill; Greene, Daniel; Walton, Gregory M.; Dweck, Carol S (2016). Using design thinking to improve psychological interventions: The case of the growth mindset during the transition to high school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 108, 374-391. Special Section: Motivating Classroom Learning. abstract []

Willem Hofstee, Jos ten Berge en Pieter Drenth (1998). Intelligentie en herkomst. Een normatieve analyse. De Psycholoog, 451-454. [niet online]

W. K. B. Hofstee and J. M. F. ten Berge (2004). Personality in proportion. A bipolar proportional scale for personality assessments and its consequences for trait structure. Journal of Personality Assessment, 83, 120-127.

+ Robert E. McGrath: The making of meaning. Comments on Hofstee and Ten Berge. 1280-130. Daniel J. Ozer: Personality out of proportion? 131-135. Willem K. B. Hofstee and Jos M. F. Ten Berge: Representing assesments: Reply to McGrath and Ozer. 136-140.abstract

Johnmashall Reeve, Glen Nix & Diane Hamm (2003). Testing models of the experience of self-determination in intrisic motivation and the conundrum of choice. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95, 375-392. pdf

Sebastiaan Dovis, Saskia van der Oord, Reinout Wiers & Pier Prins (2016). Een nieuwe kijk op adhd. De rol van executief functioneren en motivatie. De Psycholoog 11-23. pdf ophalen

Role of test motivation in intelligence testing Angela Lee Duckworth, Patrick D. Quinn, Donald R. Lynam, Rolf Loeber, and Magda Stouthamer-Loeber PNAS 7716-7720 | PNAS | May 10, 2011 | vol. 108 | no. 19 pdf

Peter C. M. Molenaar (2004). A Manifesto on Psychology as Idiographic Science: Bringing the Person Back Into Scientific Psychology, This Time Forever Measurement, 2, 201-218. pdf

Philip Yam (Ed. issue). Exploring intelligence. A search in the human, animal, machine and extraterrestrial domains. Scientific American Quarterly volume 9 #4

Jonathan Wai, Megan Cacchio, Martha Putallaz, Matthew C. Makel (2010). Sex differences in the right tail of cognitive abilities: A 30 year examination. Intelligence, 38, 412-423. pdf

Elsje van Bergen, Titia van Zuijen, Dorothy Bishop & Peter F. de Jong (2016). Why Are Home Literacy Environment and Children's Reading Skills Associated? What Parental Skills Reveal Reading Research Quarterly [academica. ]

Neal M. Ashkanasy, Rebecca J. Bennett & Mark J. Martinko (Eds.) (2016). Understanding the high performace workplace. The line between motivation and abuse. Routledge info

Willem K. B. Hofstee (1994). Who should own the definition of personality? European Journal of Personality, 8, 149-162. pdf

Patrick C. Kyllonen, Anastasiya A. Lipnevich, Jeremy Burrus & Richard D. Roberts (2014). Personality, Motivation, and College Readiness: A Prospectus for Assessment and Development. Educational Testing Service ETS Research Report Series ISSN 2330-8516. download here

Paul Kirschner (2016). Stop propagating the learning styles myth. Computers and Education, 106, 166-171. open access

Han L. J. van der Maas, Conor V. Dolan, Raoul P. P. P. Grasman, Jelte M. Wicherts, Hilde M. Huizenga, and Maartje E. J. Raijmakers (2006). A Dynamical Model of General Intelligence: The Positive Manifold of Intelligence by Mutualism Psychological Review, 113, 842-861. pdf

Ulric Neisser (Ed.) (1998). The rising curve. Long term gains in IQ and related measures. American Psychological Association. [PSYCHO P4.2.1-37] info

Han L. J. Van Der Maas, Kees-Jan Kan, Maarten Marsman and Claire E. Stevenson (2017). Network Models for Cognitive Development and Intelligence. J. Intell. 2017, 5(2), 16; doi:10.3390/jintelligence5020016 open access

Kees-Jan Kan (2011). The nature of nurture. The role of gene-environment interplay in the development of intelligence. Dissertation Amsterdam University. open access

de Leeuw, J., & Meester, A. C. (1984). Over het intelligentie-onderzoek bij de militaire keuringen vanaf 1925 tot heden. Mens en Maatschappij, 59, 5-26. [flynn-effect] pdf

[gevonden in gehetna: 93, Handleiding ten dienste van het onderzoek naar de Algemeene praktische intelligentie bij de keuringsraden. 1925 1 deel (nog geen scans van beschikbaar). Zie ook Haas (1995) Op de juiste plaats. De opkomst van de bedrijfs- en schoolpsychologische beroepspraktijk in Nederland. p. 92-94

Francis Galton (1869/1892/1979). Francis Galton Hereditary genius. An inquiry into its laws and consequences. London: Julian Friedman Publishers. isbn 0904014460

Childhood intelligence predicts voter turnout, voting preferences, and political involvement in adulthood: The 1970 British Cohort Study. Ian J. Deary, G. David Batty, Catharine R. Gale (2008). Intelligence, 36, 548-555 abstract

NB corrigendum

Individual differences in human brain development Timothy T. Brown WIREs Cogn Sci 2017, 8:e1389. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1389 temp. open access

What does it take to learn a word? Larissa K. Samuelson1,2* and Bob McMurray WIREs Cogn Sci 2017, 8:e1421. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1421 temp. open access

World-class expertise: a developmental model Scott Barry Kaufman1* and Angela L. Duckworth WIREs Cogn Sci 2017, 8:e1365. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1365 temp. open access

Expertise and individual differences: the search for the structure and acquisition of experts' superior performance K. Anders Ericsson WIREs Cogn Sci 2017, 8:e1382. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1382 temp. open access

What is the Flynn Effect, and how does it change our understanding of IQ? David Shenk WIREs Cogn Sci 2017, 8:e1366. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1366 temp. open access

Lynn Waterhouse (2006): Multiple Intelligences, the Mozart Effect, and Emotional Intelligence: A Critical Review, Educational Psychologist, 41:4, 207-225

Marion Perlmutter (Ed.) Perspectives on intellectual development. The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology LEA 0898597846 [UBL PSYCHO M1.2.-8]

Phillip L. Ackerman (2014). Adolescent and Adult Intellectual Development. Current Directions in Psychological Science abstract & references [pdf requested July 2017]

von Stumm S, Ackerman PL. Investment and intellect: a review and meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin. 139: 841-69. PMID 23231531 DOI: 10.1037/a0030746 abstract & pdf

Nisbett, R. E. (2009). Intelligence and how to get it: Why schools and cultures count. New York, NY: Norton. [UBL PSYCHO C6.-148] info

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi & Reed Larson (1984). Being adolescent. Conflict and growth in the teenage years. Basic Books. isbn 0465006469 flow, motivation

Richard E. Nisbett (2009). Intelligence and how to get it. W W. Norton. [The publisher: "A bold refutation of the belief that genes determine intelligence"] [UBL PSYCHO C6.-148]

Intellectual talent: Psychometric and social issues. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. [UB Leiden PSYCHO P4.2.2.-67]

Wendy Berliner & Deborah Eyre (2017). Great minds and how to grow them. Routledge. 9781138284609 info

John Protzko (2016). Effects of cognitive training on the structure of intelligence Psychonomic Bulletin & Review researchgate

Roger Staff, PhD; Michael J Hogan, PhD; Lawrence J Whalley (2014). Ageing trajectories of fluid intelligence in late life: the influence of age, practice and childhood IQ on Raven's Progressive Matrices. Intelligence, 47, 194-201. draft

Richard J. Haier (2017). The neuroscience of intelligence. Cambridge UP [PSYCHO P4.2.1.-89] (nog niet geleend) info

Patrick Kyllonen, CristinaAnguiano Carrasco and Harrison J. Kell (2017). Fluid Ability (Gf) and Complex Problem Solving (CPS) . Journal of Intelligence. open access

The Impact of Symmetry: Explaining Contradictory Results Concerning Working Memory, Reasoning, and Complex Problem Solving. Alexandra Zech, Markus Bühner, Stephan Kröner, Moritz Heene and Sven Hilbert (2017). Journal of Intelligence. open access

[levels of aggregation]

Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence: Causes of International Differences in Cognitive Ability Tests. Heiner Rindermann, David Becker and Thomas R. Coyle (2016). Frontiers in Psychology open access

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Data-driven brain-types and their cognitive consequences. Joe Bathelt, Amy Johnson, Mengya Zhang, the CALM team & Duncan E. Astle (2017). preprint

Mapping the Dimensions of General Intelligence: An Integrated Differential-Developmental Theory. Andreas Demetriou ao (in press). Human Development researchgate

Blog on 'IQ decline and Piaget: Does the rot start at the top?' Original Research Article by James R. Flynn, Michael Shayer (2017). blog

Childhood IQ and survival to 79: Follow-up of 94% of the Scottish Mental Survey 1947. Iva Cukić, Caroline E. Brett, Catherine M. Calvin, G. David Batty, Ian J. Deary (). Intelligence Volume 63, July 2017, Pages 45-50 open access

The interplay of g and mathematical abilities in large-scale assessments across grades. Intelligence, Volume 63, July 2017, Pages 33-44. Steffani Sa&szelig;, Nele Kampa, Olaf Köller (2017). open access

Mapping the Dimensions of General Intelligence: An Integrated Differential-Developmental Theory. Andreas Demetriou, Nikolaos Makris, George Spanoudis, Smaragda Kazi, Michael Shayer and Elena Kazali (in press). Human Development, in press. researchgate

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(vooral: intelligentie en het testen daarvan voor en in school; over het rapport Bolkestein)

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Complex Problem Solving and Its Position in the Wider Realm of the Human Intellect. Samuel Greiff and Ronny Scherer (2018). Editorial Journal of Intelligence open

Andreas Demetriou, George Spanoudis, Smaragda Kazi, Antigoni Mougi, Mislav Stjepan Žebec, Elena Kazali, Hudson Golino, Karin Bakracevic, Michael Shayer (2017). Developmental Differentiation and Binding of Mental Processes with g through the Life-Span. Journal of Intelligence , Volume 5; doi:10.3390/jintelligence5020023 open

Phillip L. Ackerman (2018). The Search for Personality-Intelligence Relations: Methodological and Conceptual Issues. Journal of Intelligence, 6 open access

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Somewhat the same material as in his (2005)

Robert J. Sternberg (2003). Wisdom, intelligence, and creativity synthesized. Cambridge University Press. [UB Leiden PSYCHO C6-100]

Carol Dweck (June 2018). Growth mindset interventions yield impressive results blog

Afhankelijk van het weer pleit Carol Dweck voor minset-activiteiten in het onderwijs, of juist om daar veel en veel voorzichtiger mee om te gaan dan op veel plekken gebeurt. Hier is het mooi weer voor positieve mindsets ;-)

Deborah Brunton (Ed.) (2004). Health, disease and society in Europe 1800-1930. A source book.Manchester University Press. isbn 0719067391 info

James R.Flynn & Michael Shayer (2018). IQ decline and Piaget: Does the rot start at the top? Intelligence, 66, 112-121. open

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Brain white matter structure and information processing speed in healthy older age. Ksenia A. Kuznetsova, Susana Muñoz Maniega, Stuart J. Ritchie, Simon R. Cox, Amos J. Storkey, John M. Starr, Joanna M. Wardlaw, Ian J. Deary and Mark E. Bastin (2016). Brain Struct Funct. 221 3223-3235. open access

The Relationship between Processing Speed and Regional White Matter Volume in Healthy Young People. Daniele Magistro and many others. open access

Maturation of White Matter is Associated with the Development of Cognitive Functions during Childhood. Zoltan Nagy, Helena Westerberg, and Torkel Klingberg (2014) Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16, 1227-1233 pdf

Longitudinal Evidence Linking Processing Speed to the Development of Reasoning. Robert V. Kail, Arne Lervåg, and Charles Hulme (2016). Dev Sci., 19, 1067-1074. open access

[no mention of myelination (white matter)]

Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom Caspi, Allan R. Harkness, Phil A. Silva (1993). The Natural History of Change to Intellectual Performance: Who Changes? How Much? Is it Meaningful? The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry [I have no access]

Wiebke Bleidorn Patrick Hill Mitja Back Jaap Denissen Marie Hennecke Christopher Hopwood Markus Jokela Christian Kandler Richard Lucas Maike Luhmann Ulrich Orth Jenny Wagner Cornelia Wrzus Johannes Zimmermann Brent Roberts (2019). The Policy Relevance of Personality Traits. PsyArXiv preprint

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Een bijzonder interessante constructie van het begrip intelligentie.

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Dit is wel een overzichtshoofdstuk, maar juist daarom geloof ik voor mij heel nuttig om er een kopie van te hebben p. 268: "My goal in this chapter is to argue that one of these kinds of views-g's-is particularly useful for the development of instructional programs to develop intellectual, academic, and other skills."

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Ongelooflijk. Zie ook deze blog

Aubrey Clayton (October 28, 2020). How Eugenics Shaped Statistics. Exposing the damned lies of three science pioneers. blog

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