Learning: Curves of Insight

Module Five of the Strategic Preparation for Assessment model

Ben Wilbrink

some highlights of this module

Figure 1 illustrates the main points of the learning model as conceived in the SPA model. The blue curve plotted is that of replacement learning, one of two basic forms of learning implemented in the spa-model. The other one, accumulation learning, is a less steep learning curve. The basic learning process is that of learning small bits of knowledge. Therefore the basic curves start off rather steep, and the functions levels off as learning time progresses.
learning_1.1.gif Learning time is a personal parameter, different students needing different amounts of time to reach the same mastery. In order to avoid the complexities of personal differences, the time dimension will be indicated as episodes, the first episode is the time spent learning until the preliminary test that indicates the level of mastery reached. Be aware that the true mastery - as depicted in the figure, is an abstraction and will never be observed.

learning_1.2.gif Learning time is a personal parameter, different students needing different amounts of time to reach the same mastery. In order to avoid the complexities of personal differences, the time dimension will be indicated as episodes, the first episode is the time spent learning until the preliminary test that indicates the level of mastery reached. Be aware that the true mastery - as depicted in the figure, is an abstraction and will never be observed.

Mastery more often than not will be mastery of knowledge and insight of a more complex character than that on which learning has been defined. The complexity parameter simply is the number of bits of knowledge one must master in order to correctly answer the items taken from the domain. This complex learning may be plotted also; figure one shows the learning curve of complexity five. This curve is a better candidate to fit the growth in mastery of a domain of knowledge (items). In the beginning complex learning may be very slow but accelerating until the acceleration stops and turns into a leveling off.
The spa model does not in any way depend on the specific form of replacement or accumulation learning. The program does not yet allow it, but in principle learning curves of any form might be used in the spa model, as long as they are deterministic. The spa model is not a sophisticated learning model; it suffices to assume learning to be a deterministic process and leave research on real learning processes to experimental psychology.
The vulnerable point in the spa model is now seen to be the learning model, because the learning model that applies will never be known for sure. Whatever the analysis the spa model is used for, it will always be necessary to try different kinds of learning models and/or complexities to ascertain whether the relevant outcomes of the analysis will lie in a certain acceptable range with a certain probability. Robustness analysis on the learning model is therefore called for.

For the applet itself click spa_applets.htm#5,

In a way the Predictor is all the student needs to decide whether she still has to invest more time in preparation for the test. It would be nice, though, to have some insight in the amount of time needed to reach a more satisfactory level of expected outcomes. It is clear that the static Predictor should be the kick-off for an attempt to bring in some dynamics by assuming a learning model. This module presents the learning model options in isolation from the Predictor. The next module will combine the two to model the path of expectations.

The learning model assumes mastery to be known, and learning to be deterministic according to the particular model chosen. The prototype presents a choice between two kinds of learning model, called the accumulation model and the replacement model (Mazur and Hastie, 1978). The applet offers the opportunity to plot a second curve or second set of curves according to the second specification for the parameters.

The interpretation in this modelling is as follows. Take the number correct score on a preliminary test as your value for mastery, after all that is your best bet. Preparation time comes in next: it is all the time spent in preparation for the preliminary testing. It is arbritarily lumped together and assigned the value of 'one episode.' The excess of episodes specified is the possible future trajectory. The number of bars specifies in how many parts every episode has to be chopped up to produce a reasonably smooth learning curve.

The problem with the accumulation as well as the replacement model is that they do not fit the complex learning in most curricula: they produce learning curves steepest at the beginning point and after that levelling off. The SPA tries to solve the problem elegantly by assuming that test items can be answered correctly only by knowing a certain number of basic facts or events, called the items' complexity. Mastery will still be defined on the complex items in the test and in the item bank, but learning is defined on knowledge of the underlying basic facts or events. Making test items more complex will produce curves that are level to begin with, sloping upward and only thereafter beginning to level off. Again, see the chapter's text for the fine points and scientific backing.

Scientific position

basically the learning process is a mystery

The problem in modeling learning is that learning is a physical process of immense complexity; it simply is not known how exactly learning, or retrieving information from memory, is possible, let alone how exactly the learning of algebra or English occurs. Accordingly any attempt at modeling entails approximation, compromise, and empiricism. Resulting models nevertheless shall be highly sophisticated. An example of this kind of modeling is TODAM, the Theory of Distributed Associative Memory

It will be clear from the fragment above that it is strictly impossible for the SPA-model to use learning curves that are true to the learning that the student in fact performs, or the way she retrieves learned materials probed by the test questions. This state of affairs is completely different from that concerning the utility functions in the SPA model, being predicated on culturally defined rules.

Learning curves in the SPA model will of necessity be very crude, and they should be used as instruments to search the robustness of results obtained. One way to do so, is to repeat analyses using different types of learning curves and different values for the complexity parameter, for example, translating the exact quantitative results in weaker qualitative ones.

a limited number of basic learning models
[follows Mazur and Hastie 1978]

The Mazur and Hastie learning models do not fit the learning of the kind of complex knowledge that (higher) education is about. The following paragraph presents a satisficing solution to fill this gap.

complex knowledge, insight

To answer the typical item in the educational test, the student should be able to use two or more bits of basic knowledge simultaneously. Basic knowledge may be tested directly, of course, its complexity then is one. This really is a bare bones approach to modelling the testing of complex knowledge. Technically it's implementation in a mathematical model is extremely simple; the probability to know the complex item is the product of the probabilities that the basic knowledge items have been mastered.

I am not aware of any places in the literature that use the same operationalization of complex knowledge, but they must exist. Combining basic knowledge items into complex knowledge items might be called chunking, a term familiar since the publication of Miller's (1956) seminal paper on the magical number seven. The concepts of complexity and of chunking are not identical, however. The proper interpretation of chunking is that mastery then should be defined on the level of the chunk, and treated as 'basic knowledge,' on a higher level. The problem then is to find mathematical functions that fit the learning trajectory of mastery on the 'chunk level.' The chunking concept, in other words, does not solve the problem that Mazur and Hastie's learning functions do not fit the learning of complex knowledge.

Insight might be modeled - I will not do so for the spa-model, at least not now - as 'constrained stochastic behavior,' in the same way Simonton (2003) has done to explain scientific creativity. Simonton uses the concepts of 'domain' and 'field' as proposed by Csikszentmihalyi (1990, 1999). "The domain consists of a large but finite set of facts, concepts, techniques, heuristics, themes, questions, goals, and criteria. These can be collectively referred to as the population of ideas that make up a given domain." "The field consists of all those individuals who are working with the set of ideas that define the domain." The stuff scientific creativityis made of, is combinations of these ideas, most of them proving sterile, of course. What makes this a model of insight in learning students is that here the domain is very small, enabling students to explore much, most or even all of the combinations. All useful combinations contribute to the student's insight. The students as a group or population might even be thought of as the 'field' of - in this case - the course. Because of the smallness of the domain, insight is not a result of serendipity or luck, but of hard work.

Broadening our scope from mastery of course content to expertise in a specific function, job or discipline, it is evident that learning will not stop at the rather simplistic levels of mastery of text book content but will continue on the job and in life. Growth in expert knowledge is a process on quite a different time scale, there is a dedicated literature on this topic (for example Ericsson 1999).

knowledge objects

Chunking as term might have been introduced by Miller (1956), but the underlying concept is known from, for example, De Groot's (1946, 1965) work on the thinking of the chess player. Highly complex learning will not necessarily behave along the simplistic lines of the SPA-model's definition of complex knowledge. Learning complex course material, for example, might be a continuous proces of slow growth, ending in a jump to a high level of mastery. It is not unlike the results in learning complex skills, such as typing, where growth in mastery temporarily might seem to have stopped, and then to jump to higher level. In the cognitive field the phenomenon is called by Entwistle (1995) 'knowledge objects.' The student, until then unable to come to grips with the course content, after the jump is confident in her or his mastery of it. The reason to mention this kind of phenomenon here is to warn that the learning formulas in the SPA model need not always be able to catch the complexities of real world learning. It is not a fault of the SPA-model, however, because it is possible to feed the model a graphical curve instead of a formula representing replacement or accumulative learning. No, I have to disappoint you; this possibility is not implemented in the applet.


There are unpredictable forms of intellectual growth and of gaining new insights that for that reason cannot be captured in graphs over time. They might not be any the less important in education or in society at large than the forms of learning that get tested right away. In science the phenomenon of discovery by serendipity is well known. It is a kind of discovery that does come to the well prepared only, however random it may otherwise seem. A less erratic form of luck in scientific work has been wonderfully well described by Giere (1988). It is the scientific researcher discovering that a model or technique that is totally disconnected from her current research activities, but well known from a project elsewhere or an earlier job, might be used to force a break-through in the current project or field.

More down to earth it is evident that there is a weak but certainly positive relation between levels of mastery reached in earlier course subjects, and the ease and quality of further study. In my (1978) I did suggest the possibility that mathematically optimal strategies according to the SPA model might neglect the bonusses to be obtained by reaching out for slightly higher levels of mastery than just for the moment might be the most time-efficient. There will be ample opportunity to return to this observation, that is of course widely known in educational research and in research on equal opprtunity in education. For a recent discussion see Ceci and Papierno (2005). Evidently the SPA-model does not model the world at large, but it should be able to assist in recognizing extravagant claims about what good educational measurement is able to do to this or that kind of stakeholder.

On serendipity see also Simonton (2003).

Special points


Empirical support


Project history

what about forgetting?

A learning model has been incorporated in the tentamenmodel by Van Naerssen in 1970. His choice was the constant value model, equivalent to the replacement model. In the 70's model development suffered from the complexities involved in modelling learning as well as forgetting. The SPA model simply assumes forgetting to be absorbed in the learning itself. In another form forgetting will ask our attention again in module 7 where the consequences of failing tests or examinations have to be modelled in order to find optimal strategies.

individual differences in capacity or intelligence

One of the complexities in earlier attempts at modelling learning has been the notion of individual differences in learning. The temptation was to introduce a parameter for capacity, or intelligence if you prefer that term. It is possible to handle the capacity parameter in the same way as has been done with the mastery parameter, but it greatly complicates the model. Leaving it out altogether proved to be a viable option. Because the SPA model is a model for individual student strategies, it is not necessary to bring in a parameter that describes individual differences.

what to make of time?

Related to the last observation is the dimension of time. Speed of learning obviously differs between students, and so does the time needed to reach a specific level of mastery. It would be nice to have a model that uses the time dimension without translating time in physical units of hours or weeks or what not. An early attempt to do so was Van Naerssen's learning model stipulating the unit of time to be whatever it takes to learn one half of the course material not yet mastered, assuming that amount of time to be a constant. But this only is an interpretation of the mathematical learning model used. In the SPA the dimension of time is abstracted further by calling the time already spent in preparation 'one episode.' That one episode will stand for different amounts of time on the clock or the calendar according to the particular moment the student takes stock of what she has been learned, or according to the particular student involved.

and the simulation?

Early versions of the SPA model in the 90's had procedures to simulate learning also. The decision to simulate learning seemed necessary at the time, and has resulted in lots of complexities and big losses of time. But exactly why should a model of achievement testing incorporate a learning model that not only describes the development of learning in time, but also the process that generates the learning? Here also it was the early conception in the 1970 tentamenmodel of learning as a process that invited the misconception.

The SPA model now considers learning to be a process in a black box, the outcomes of which are assumed to be adequately described by the mathematical function chosen. The learning model with random fluctuations has in the SPA model been replaced by deterministic models. Of course one can never be sure whether a particular learning model is the correct one, but this problem is one that should be handled by studying the model outcomes under different learning models, or different parameter values for the same learning model, i.e. for example robustness analysis and analysis of worst versus best case scenario's.

An example of a learning model whose process lends itself to simulation is Anderson's ACT-model. See the article by Pieter Been (in Dutch) for some simulation results on the ACT model. I have not (yet) studied the ACT-model and its stochastic properties. It looks like a model that is not too difficult to program next to the two deterministic learning models now implemented in this SPA-module on learning.

Java code


The core of the applet's program are the methods for the two types of learning curve implemented in the applet.

Each learning model has three variables that are supposed to be given, mastery, ceiling, and time, and one parameter that has to be evaluated from the givens. The mathematical derivation for this evaluation is mentioned above the code proper.

In some situations there is a ceiling to the learning, a barrier to full learning. To keep things simple, SPA assumes the ceiling to be 1. This is a rather artificial assumption, of course, for its corollary is that the quality of test items is impeccable, including the quality of assessment of the answers given. The latter point is not of minor import, because it surely is a problem for closed form questions (multiple choice) as well as for open questions (see my 1977).

The time variable is assumed to be one, i.e. one episode. It is the time invested in preparing for the preliminary test. For different students that one episode might span a relatively big range of time as measured in minutes, hours, days or weeks.

The learning model is assumed to apply to 'simple' learning, the learning of the basic bits or units of the course. The transformation to mastery of 'complex' knowledge, and vice versa, is technically simply and occurs elsewhere in the program.

Testing the applet


To test the correctness of the learning functions, option 501 will furnish the function values, and the rounded values used in the plot itself. Use the mathematical functions, given in the java code paragraph above, to check the correctness of values. The t-values in the list in figure 1 are 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, ... 2.0.

Figure 1. Option 501 will print function values. To inspect the list, click the figure.


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more literature

Ken Kelley and Scott E. Maxwell (2008). Delineating the average rate of change in longitudinal models. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 33, 307-332. (ik heb een pdf, maar moet de fc houden omdat de pdf de formules niet goed weergeeft)

Willett, J. B., & Sayer, A. G. (1994). Using covariance structure analysis to detect correlates and predictors of individual change. Psychological Bulletin, 116, 363-381.

M. R. Wilson (1989). Saltus: A psychometric model of discontinuity in cognitive development. Psychological Bulletin, 105, 276-289.

G. N. Masters (1982). A Rasch model for partial credit scoring in objective tests. Psychometrika, 47, 149-174.

Mail your opinion, suggestions, critique, experience on/with the SPA

April 19, 2012 \ contact ben at at at benwilbrink.nl

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